What is ACNES?
Anterior Cutaneous Nerve Entrapment Syndrome (ACNES) is a condition in which one or more nerves become entrapped by the abdominal wall. The resulting symptom is most commonly chronic abdominal wall pain. It is largely unknown by physicians and the general public, and as such it is significantly under-diagnosed and difficult for patients to find treatment and relief from the pain. Patients can spend years and thousands of dollars on unnecessary tests and procedures before receiving a diagnosis of ACNES.

Medical Specialists
It can be difficult to find physicians that have experience treating ACNES so we have compiled a directory of medical professionals reported to have experience working with ACNES patients.

Pain Management & Treatment
The process of securing a diagnosis and treatment for ACNES can be quite time consuming. In the periods between appointments, tests, injections, and other procedures, it is often up to you to manage the pain as best you can. We’ve compiled a list of some suggestions to help ease the pain.

View our list of resources that we have gathered from the web.